Fallout shelter 76 update
Fallout shelter 76 update

This is to keep the damage more in-line with one another.ĪDDITIONAL DESIGN CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS We’ve adjusted the Two Shot Legendary Mod to deal its bonus damage more similarly to energy weapons.Burning mods for Energy Weapons now deal fire damage.The Bleedout Syringer Barrel now deals physical damage instead of poison.Dynamic values of some effects have been added to show the current bonus.Extra effects not normally shown elsewhere are now displayed below the Legendary Effects.Legendary effects now have the Legendary Star icon next to the effect description.

fallout shelter 76 update

Set Bonuses now have an icon indicator next to the effect description.Changes when modding are now color coded.We’ve added new icons to replace the + and – indicators when crafting new items.AP cost, Fire Mode (Single/Automatic/Charging), Ammo Capacity, and Damage Over Time effects are now shown.

fallout shelter 76 update

  • Gameplay Settings: We’ve added the ability to turn Advanced Mod descriptions ON or OFF.
  • Descriptions of items and their mod properties are now more specific to the numerical changes in stats, making it easier for you to cater your build to your specific playstyle. We have overhauled the way weapon and armor information is displayed both in the inspect menu and the workbench menus.

    Fallout shelter 76 update